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What Question Should We Investigate About Charitable Giving?

Marcus Butt
Getty Images/Ikon Images

Here at Goats and Soda, we're trying something new: We'd like to know what you want us to investigate. Our first call-out was about girls in the developing world. And last week, we asked you to submit questions on global diseases.

Earlier this month, we gathered over 275 questions from our readers. We put three of them up for vote. More than 1,100 people voted, and this question was the winner:

What are the unintended consequences of charity? Is the ripple effect improving humanity or crippling it?

One of our correspondents is now working on a story to answer this question. We'll publish it in Goats and Soda — with credit to the submitter, of course — at the end of October.

Thanks to everyone who submitted a question and voted!

See the results of our previous call-out on the topic of global diseases, here.

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