A new micro-brewery appears to be in the works for downtown Cortez. On Tuesday, the City Council unanimously approved on first reading two measures designed to allow for the development of the micro-brewery and tap room on the northwest corner of Market and North streets, across from the First Baptist Church.
The first was an ordinance to rezone three properties in the half-acre parcel from neighborhood business to central business district, and the second was another ordinance amending the city land-use code to provide for those types of businesses. The agent for the owners, Tucker Robinson of Dolores, told the council the new establishment would expand the Main Street business scene and the walkable area of downtown. Robinson said the neighbors he has spoken to were supportive of the idea. The parcel proposed for rezoning is reportedly in a block consisting entirely of commercial uses, and there are no residential properties within 150 feet of it. The micro-brewery, to be operated by WildEdge Brewing Collective LLC, would be at 111 North Market, in the heart of the rezoned area. City Planner Tracie Hughes said the current city land-use code doesn’t address alcohol production, but the proposed changes would add micro-breweries, micro-wineries, and micro-distilleries to “allowed uses”. Both proposed ordinances were set for public hearing on August 9th.