Cara Gildar
Director of Corporate SupportCara came to the Four Corners to work for the Forest Service, stayed for the community radio station. She’s a lifelong public radio and independent media fan who’s watched KSJD grow from its early days.
Cara loves cooking and eating local food, reading thick books, hiking and keying out native plants to the subspecies level.
Ian Bowekaty shares his experiences as part of the Mesa Verde Indigenous Interpretive Ranger Program.
Matt Traynham, the Dolores District Fire Management Officer talks about upcoming prescribed burns with KSJD's Cara Gildar.
Kristy Sholly, Mesa Verde National Park’s Chief of Interpretation, talks about the intention that drives interpretation and how interpretation has changed over time to become more inclusive of Indigenous connections and perspectives.
Nick Mustoe, Dolores District Ranger shares historical perspective on the birth of the San Juan National Forest and what’s changed and stayed the same on the Forest today.