Craig Childs is a river guide, adventurer, and the author of more than a dozen books on nature and science, including The Secret Knowledge of Water, Atlas…
The side-by-side tracks of two ancient animals have been called "by far the oldest vertebrate tracks in Grand Canyon."
In this episode, the EngiNerd examines how fruit ripening works, the implications of the world banana market, and how you can make sure your avocados are…
In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd looks at the tiniest muscles in our bodies: what they do and how they work.
In this episode, the EngiNerd examines gluten: what it is, the foods it is in, and the various physical symptoms caused by gluten sensitivity, gluten…
In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd explores parhelion, those bright spots of light that accompany the sun, sometimes…
In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd studies the greenhouse gas methane; its chemical composition, where it comes from,…
Computers have been getting smaller and smaller, while at the same time getting more and more powerful. In this episode, the EngiNerd takes a look at the…
In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd explores the world of owls: their amazing variety of their physical characteristics…
Weather forecasters talk a lot about the weather phenomena know as El Niño and La Niña. In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the…
In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd explores hiccups: what they are, what causes them, serious consequences that can…
Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year as the trees change their colors. In this episode of the More Than You Want To Know Show, the EngiNerd…