Two people died outside in the elements in Cortez this winter, but neither was actually homeless. That’s according to Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers.
The Montezuma County Homelessness Prevention Coalition is a collaboration between groups like The Bridge emergency shelter, Sih Hasin Street Medicine and the city of Cortez to help homeless friends and relatives living in Montezuma County, Colorado. One problem the coalition faces is a lack of available information on homeless people who have lived in the community in the past.
On Thursday, a coalition of local government agencies and nonprofits is dedicating a park bench to those in the Cortez community who have died in the area while experiencing homelessness. The Montezuma County Homelessness Prevention Coalition is a collaboration between groups like The Piñon Project Family Resource Center and the city of Cortez to help unhoused residents of Montezuma County. Lucia Bueno-Valdez is the homelessness prevention coordinator for The Piñon Project and a key member of the coalition. She says one of the problems the group faces in assisting unhoused people is a lack of available data on how many have lived in Montezuma County, historically. And Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is speaking out against a proposed merger between grocery store giants Kroger and Albertsons.
A group of local community members in Montezuma County is working with doctors from the Indian Health Service to provide medical support for the unhoused. And a new bipartisan bill could make it easier for children going into foster care to be placed with relatives.
The point in time count, or “pit count,” is an annual count of people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January across the United States. And on Tuesday night, the Cortez City Council passed an ordinance that will allow food trucks to operate in the Cortez Central Business District.
A coalition of community and local government agencies wants to continue use of the warming centers first implemented outside The Bridge Shelter in Cortez over the holidays. And the first week of the legislative session is almost over, and more than one hundred new bills have been introduced for consideration.
A new documentary released by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless shows how, from better health to food security to good education, housing is foundational to every aspect of well-being, building stronger communities, promoting economic growth and opportunities for all Coloradans.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis has signed a bill to spend one hundred million dollars on programs to reduce homelessness. And avian flu is spreading throughout Utah.
Colorado lawmakers are unveiling new bills this week to address an increase in people experiencing homelessness. And there was a string of robberies north of Cortez over the weekend.
Imagine turning 18 and finding yourself aged out of the foster care system. You don’t have the resources to support yourself and now face homelessness. There’s a program in Montrose aimed at helping youth in this situation. As Laura Palmisano reports for KVNF and Rocky Mountain Community Radio, the program provides affordable housing along with support and guidance.