The Montezuma County commissioners on Tuesday took the unprecedented step of censuring Sheriff Steve Nowlin for what they called “financial mismanagement.”
The number of inmates in the Montezuma County Detention Center is likely to be increasing.
Weather in Cortez and Southwest Colorado has been on somewhat of a roller-coaster ride of late.
The Montezuma County commissioners have given the go-ahead to contracting with a Colorado firm to conduct a detailed analysis of operations of the sheriff’s office starting in January.
Montezuma County attorney Ian MacLaren is leaving that position to become the Montezuma County Court judge.
Montezuma County voters were generous to the Cortez Fire Protection District and two school districts on Election Day. However, they were stingy with the sheriff’s office.
The Montezuma County commissioners and Sheriff Steve Nowlin clashed over the sheriff’s budget at a special meeting Thursday.
Proponents for a public safety sales tax in Montezuma County made their case Tuesday at a League of Women Voters presentation in Cortez.
A chunk of a controversial barbed-wire fence around some 1,400 acres on the San Juan National Forest north of Mancos was taken down Thursday afternoon.
A legislative proposal before the Navajo Nation Council that could have led to changing the name of that nation has been withdrawn.