Representatives of the Bridge homeless shelter in Cortez pleaded Monday for specific information about the pending sale of the shelter’s current home. Bridge Executive Director Laurie Knutson asked the Montezuma County commissioners for a time frame for when they must move out of the Justice Building in Centennial Park. County officials hope to sell the facility for use by the Children’s Kiva Montessori School, which is now operating out of a warehouse in downtown Cortez. Knutson voiced concern that the Bridge has “not been well advised” about developments. The Bridge stops operating for the season on April 30th, but Knutson said the shelter can’t just walk away the next day because it has to move extensive kitchen and laundry equipment. The Bridge is planning to build a new facility but Knutson said it won’t be completed until February or later, meaning the shelter and the associated day-labor center will need an interim home. She asked for 30 days’ notice, but Commissioner Keenan Ertel said she needed to talk to the Kiva’s board of directors. A recent fundraising letter sent by one Kiva board member says the closing date is April 30th and “demolition and construction” will begin the next day. But the Kiva board chair, Nathaniel Seeley, told KSJD the closing date is still fluid and that demolition would occur in stages. He said he can’t say much more because of ongoing negotiations.